Dear Ze,
Things are a bit messy today in my mind. From one side , i am so glad and grateful today about my life, about the way i think about everything , i'm in the mood of VALIDATION .. But from an other side i am like "what is happening now?" with a sad , lonely face. But (again) you know in life these (in your mind) "sad" things aren't worth thinking about, there are just noise , bad noise in your head which you should throw away immediately , just that moment when they tend to increase. For instance, take a cupcake and the whole procedure of making a cupcake. At first you are making the base, the cake which for most of cupcakes is the same. Its the same thing with humans , we all have emotions, the same emotions in our soul here sadness, happiness, anger, hatred..... But take a closer look in that cupcake, in that cake actually that even though it is the same as the other next to it and the in the corner of the baking pan it is in our hands , in the baker's hand how it will be on its full version, with the buttercream(pink, blue, orange, green, white, red) , the sprinkles, the chocolate(white or brown) chips or anything decoration you want..... And by that i mean , every cupcake its different and thats because you decorated it in that special, individualized way you chose, you thought... So , think yourself ,human, as a cupcake and decorate yourself in any way you like , don't let other things get in your way and mess your life up. Does this make any sense?? I guess soo.!! Well, in the baker's mind , the cupcake is like a goal , a goal he has to achieve, and for that achievement he has to close any other annoying window beside his eyes and focus on this baby cupcake, on this new life... So , you focus on your cupcake , though this cupcake is your life, is your only goal, to
live great and be grateful for your life every moment of it... Don't let any noise gets you down, you are the lord !! Put some sprinkes on your cupcake , a bit of colored buttercream, maybe some colourful smarties... And voiillaaa your baby beautiful cupcake is ready and it is really beautiful coz you made it , you made it by closing these noisy windows beside your ears and eyess. You made it and i have to admit you did a great job. These words should be in every human's daily morning routine from now on.. Just had to share that to you Ze today because it is the World Day Against Noise and for me the most importand of "bad" noises isn't the cars' noise but the noise i've been talking to you about the last couple of minutes.... So say "NO" to the noisy people in your head and out of it too.
Love, Magnifier♥♥

Love, Magnifier♥♥